


今天是国家学校图书管理员, 因此,强调新濠天地app图书馆工作人员的工作是恰当的. 麦卡特尼图书馆的工作人员包括凯瑟琳·弗洛伊德, 贾斯汀Hostutler, 詹妮弗·约瑟夫, 史蒂文Kenneally, Elyn肯尼迪, Kae柯克伍德, 还有卡拉·李·曼提诺斯. 整个学年,图书馆还雇佣了几名学生工人. The library staff works diligently to provide support for Geneva students and 教师. Their work is incredibly important to the College, and it has not gone unnoticed.

Kae柯克伍德, 档案管理员, 说:“图书馆, 作为历史的宝库, 文化, 认为, 科学, 还有更多, 为个人和社区提供对这些信息的访问.” As 档案管理员, Kae柯克伍德 collects and shares information about Geneva history. Every year that she has been here she has had more and more people come to her with questions about Geneva history. 她说, “I love Geneva history—I love seeing how God has worked through the College and her people over the years—and I love sharing it!“在她的角色中,她关心新濠天地app的历史,并分享新濠天地app的故事.

史蒂文Kenneally是图书馆馆长,他说, “新濠天地app通过帮助学生获取信息资源来支持他们, 这反过来又帮助他们追求真理.他还强调,作为新濠天地app新濠天地app的一名工作人员, he ought to provide encouragement for students not only in the academic sphere of their lives, 而且在他们生活的其他方面也是如此. 他提到帖撒罗尼迦前书5:11, 说, 所以你们要彼此劝慰,互相建立, 就像你正在做的一样.” 史蒂文Kenneally and the other library staff see their roles as one way to fulfill this command.

詹妮弗·约瑟夫是参考指导馆员, which means her primary responsibility is to help students conduct research for their projects, 无论是入门级课程还是高级课程. 她说, “Working one-on-one with students is definitely the highlight of my day; our students here are just amazing. 我是未来学生参观校园的一站, 我喜欢见到他们, 欢迎他们来到校园, 并强调图书馆提供的内容. 我也喜欢收集不在新濠天地app收藏中的文章和书籍, 用于学生的研究, 从其他图书馆.” 詹妮弗·约瑟夫 is dedicated to serving students and provides valuable support.

One resource the library offers that 詹妮弗·约瑟夫 is passionate about is the InterLibrary Loan (ILL) service. ILL允许学生, 教师, and staff to borrow 文章 and books from other colleges that are not in the 麦卡特尼库 collection. ILL is a free service that expands the opportunities for research beyond only what Geneva can offer. 詹妮弗·约瑟夫 encourages students to reach out because she is happy to help them through the research process.

Another valuable resource offered by the 麦卡特尼库 is the Writing Center. 卡拉·李·曼提诺斯经营着写作中心,她说, “It is my pleasure to serve the campus by ensuring that any student at Geneva can get assistance with a paper at any stage of the writing process.” Kara Lee Mantinaos develops a team of undergraduate Peer Writing Consultants that offer support for any student that requests assistance with a writing project. Kara Lee says that “God clearly called me to ‘build people’ and I consider it an immense privilege to help students develop their critical thinking and discover the voice through which they will share their gifts and the Gospel with the audience God ordains.“写作中心对任何学生都开放, 学生可以在学期的任何时候获得帮助, 在他们写作的过程中. 写作中心是一个非常有价值的资源, Kara Lee Mantinaos是图书馆工作人员的宝贵财富.

麦卡特尼图书馆的另一名工作人员是凯瑟琳·弗洛伊德. 她是技术服务馆员, 也就是说她的大部分工作都是在幕后完成的, 方便查找和访问图书馆资源. 她说, “我所做的就是制作图书馆提供的一切——书籍, 文章, 期刊, 视频, 等.-可找到且可接近. This work in the background makes finding resources in the research process go as smoothly as possible.” A lot of the work accomplished at the library is not easily seen but is incredibly valuable. 凯瑟琳·弗洛伊德的工作使图书馆的资源易于使用, 哪一个是图书馆功能的组成部分.

Elyn肯尼迪 is also a valuable member of the library staff here at 新濠天地app大学. 她是流通服务部的经理, 也就是说她直接和有问题的学生交流, 她也训练, 监督, 和图书馆的学生工作者一起工作. Elyn说, “我自己刚从新濠天地app毕业, 我还没有明白上帝在我生命中的呼召是什么, 完全, 但他显然是叫我来的, 在我最喜欢的图书馆工作, 与员工和学生一起成长. I think the most fulfilling aspect of my job is listening to students and helping them in any way I can.” She works diligently to ensure that students can enjoy all the benefits that the 麦卡特尼库 has to offer, 她做这件事很开心.

The staff of the library serve the 新濠天地app大学 community in a variety of different ways, 所有这些都是非常感谢的. Thanks to the work of the current librarians and all of the librarians before them, the Geneva community has access to over a quarter of a million items including books, 视频, cd, 杂志卷, 还有其他项目. The staff works hard to make sure that students can thrive in their academic pursuits. 新濠天地app大学 is lucky to have all of the wonderful members of our staff and is grateful for all of the work that they do.

有关图书馆提供的资源的更多信息,请访问 http://a2q.emotionsamsara.com/library/.

Opinions expressed in the 新濠天地app的博客 are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The 新濠天地app的博客 is a place for 教师 and contributing writers to express points of view, 学术见解, 并为全国对话做出贡献,激发人们的思考, 谈话, 以及对真理的追求, 符合新濠天地app作为基督徒的哲学, 文科院校.




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